The Dhaka Times Desk India's Tata company started making very small and attractive Nano car several years back. It was announced that the factory of this car will be made in Bangladesh before the market. But it did not happen due to various reasons. Again with the Nano car again Sarab Bangladesh!
Recently, when the Nano car was imported, the curiosity about it started. Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed said that Nano cars will be made for the transportation of low-income people in the country. The Commerce Minister made this announcement in the speech of the chief guest at the opening ceremony of 'Tata Nano' at a hotel in the capital last week.
The minister said, 'Today's event will be worthwhile if low-income people can buy this car. In the future, this car will be made in Bangladesh. In that case I think it would be a good initiative. For this reason, the government will try to do whatever is necessary.'
Chairman of Nettle Motors Limited, Abdul Matlub Ahmad said, 'The selling price of this car is Tk 6 lakh 99 thousand. However, it will be sold at a discount of Rs 50,000 on special benefits for FBCCI directors. Managers of business organizations can take this car with a down payment of only one and a half lakh rupees. Later they can pay in easy installments of 2 to 5 years.'
It is to be mentioned that, at the time of establishment of Nano car, the initiative was taken to make this car in Bangladesh. Then Ishwardi in Pabna also found a place. But it is said that the matter stopped in the face of local protests.