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Spices will help reduce high blood pressure: medical experts say

The Dhaka Times Desk We think less spices should be used in cooking. In many cases we do. But medical scientists have changed that idea. They say, masala will help reduce high blood pressure.

high blood pressure Spice

Medical scientists in India have tested on rats using drugs made from several types of spices, it has been possible to reduce blood pressure. As a result, they see a new light of hope in the treatment of chronic hypertension or high blood pressure.

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The study was led by S. Thanikachalam, lead specialist in the Department of Cardiology at Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, India. The research paper was published in the medical journal Experimental Biology and Medicine.

S. Thanikachalam, the leader of the research team, told the media that they have conducted this research by using common spices used in the cooking of this region. They mixed several ingredients including cardamom, ginger, cumin, pepper, white lotus petals and gave it to the rats along with the food.

He also said, 'In the research, we have seen that there have been many changes in the physiological activities of the rats in that food. Especially high blood pressure has come down a lot. The drug they developed not only controlled the blood pressure of the rats, but also reduced the 'oxidative stress.'

Those researchers mainly worked with renovascular hypertension. This type of hypertension or high blood pressure can occur when the arteries in the kidneys become narrowed.

In recent times, hypertension has become a very common disease worldwide. World Health Organization statistics reveal that only one in four urban residents in India suffer from hypertension. There are such problems all over the world including Bangladesh. But due to the high cost of drugs and various side effects, many people do not take regular medical care.

Thani Kachalam said, the mixture of spices that they used in this research is also mentioned in ancient Indian literature. He said, the use of such herbal medicine has been going on here for generations. All that remains is to formulate its usage scientifically.

Scientists are now looking at how well the drug works in mice over the long term. Then this drug will be tested on humans. The main goal of the researchers is to make a low-cost and effective medicine.

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