The Dhaka Times
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A 'book surgeon' who makes amazing sculptures out of books

The Dhaka Times Desk Brian Dettmer of New York is called a chest surgeon. What does chest surgeon mean? Does he sew books and notebooks? No, it's not like that, he creates amazing sculptures by cutting out books. He usually chooses old books for this book cutting. But in this case the books have to be thick enough. By doing this, the beauty of the sculpture increases a lot.


Brian Detmer chose a variety of old map thick books, encyclopedias, manual books, etc. to create his book sculptures. And in cutting books, he uses medical surgical tweezers, knife and scalpel. If you've been critical of Brian Dettmer's work, you need to think again because Brian isn't looking for a book that will turn people away from the reservoir of knowledge when creating this sculpture. Rather, Brian says in this case, I choose books that are picked up by various recycling companies to be recycled into paper and I present sculptures of our past history in those books. So let's take a look at Brian Dettmer's works.


With this book by Victor Hugo, Brian created a wonderful sculpture.


What wonderful human facial structures are depicted on the pages of the book.


The disc of this sculpture is made of many books.


You won't believe your eyes, this sculpture made of books looks like a sculpture carved in stone.


Another amazing sculpture.


He made this sculpture of animals from a zoology book.


What do you think of someone's picture appearing on the pages of a book?


A map book has been engraved by Brian in such a way that it seems to reveal the interior of the underground.


See how Brian makes a book surgeon with medical equipment. Check out some more of Brian Dettmer's work below-


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