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Modern airships will fly at an altitude of 65,000 feet

The Dhaka Times Desk A long time ago, some airships were built which were like huge balloons. As they are lighter than air they are called airships. As technology advances, airships become extinct. However, the airship is again under discussion for research use. Recently, a group of American engineers have designed a more advanced airship.


According to the design, this airship will be able to fly at a height of 65 thousand feet above the surface. Which is twice the height of a normal jet plane. Basically it will move in the stratosphere of the atmosphere. It can be controlled from the ground. Helium gas is generally used in these aircraft. The main obstacle to building powerful airships, the helium gas used in balloons, heats up during the day and expands. And at night, due to the decrease in temperature, the gas becomes compressed.

American engineer Steve Smith said that one of the major technical challenges in building an airship is balancing the gaseous components used in it. Airships must have enough gas inside to avoid crashing at night. At the same time, it should contain some strong material, so that it does not explode during the day. And the shape of the vehicle should also be specially suitable for movement in light air.


So scientists are thinking of using electricity instead of gas. By doing this, the inconvenience of using gas will be removed to a large extent. Controlling from below will also become much easier. Bertha Netterfield, an astrophysicist at the University of Toronto in Canada, said the electric-powered airship would have the ability to land at will. However, there is still a lot of research to be done in order to launch an effective airship.

Airships can carry powerful telescopes. With which data can be collected from distant galaxies to oceans. A lot of uncertainty worked with gas based airships. There are many examples of previous airships crashing while in motion. So, depending on such a vehicle, scientists would have backed away from conducting expensive research projects. But with modern airships, scientists can carry out research with reliability. Sarah Miller, an astrophysicist at the University of California, said that this airship, which is suitable for moving in the stratosphere, can describe almost the same conditions by creating an environment close to space without going into space at a huge cost!


Building airships capable of reaching the stratosphere is extremely expensive. Due to lack of funds, many skilled engineers have given up trying to build such a vehicle. However, with the initiative of NASA, there may be new progress in this regard. The space research agency NASA is going to organize a competition to build airships. It is assumed that the work of making modern airships will go a long way. These airships are expected to be very useful in research work.

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