The Dhaka Times
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AK Khandaka is 'unwanted' in his own village!

The Dhaka Times Desk Almost three eras came close to the war of independence. But we are living in such a nation that till now the real history of freedom war has remained out of reach of people. This time the freedom fighter and one of the organizers of the liberation war AK Khandkar has become extremely controversial by distorting the history of the freedom war. Now he is 'unwanted' even in his own village.

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The history of our country's independence is repeatedly distorted. The politicians of our country are responsible for this. Pro-independence people also have different opinions for political reasons at times. That is why the nation has not yet seen the true history of independence. This time the same incident has happened again. The former minister of the present government AK Khandkar has been involved in extreme controversy for 'distortion of information' on the speech of March 7. He has been declared 'undesirable' in the new Varenga of Bera upazila in his native village Pabna. The residents of that village declared him unwanted after burning the effigy of the deputy commander of the Liberation Army after the procession on Sunday evening. An organization called Liberation War Supporter Group held a protest march in Varenga village on Sunday. In the evening, the procession came out from the village girls high school ground and went around the main road and held a rally at the same place.

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It is to be noted that recently after the publication of AK Khandkar's '1971: Inside and Out', this freedom fighter, who holds the title of Viruttam, came under extreme criticism. Bangladesh's first Air Force Chief wrote in his book, Bangabandhu's speech calling for independence on March 7 ended by saying 'Victory to Pakistan'.

Extreme criticism has started across the country on this issue. In Jatiya Sangsad there was also an indefinite discussion about the book written by AK Khandkar. Members of Parliament also criticized the presentation of 'distorted facts' aimed at distorting the history of the War of Independence.

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