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What to do when your child is angry?

The Dhaka Times Desk Children's mental states change very quickly. So there is a big change in their mood. Maybe a little toy started a tantrum or fight. Again something very big was lost but remained unanswered. So children have to deal with all these things with some intelligence.


1. When angry, do not try to stop anger

If your child gets very angry, it is better not to try to stop his anger. If you stop the anger, his anger will increase. Maybe start breaking down. When angry, let his anger control himself. By doing this he will be able to control his anger.

2. Try to avoid some:

When your child is angry, try to avoid taking his anger into account. Pretend you didn't notice his anger. If he takes his anger into account when he is angry, he will show more anger to express his anger. So it is better to avoid.

3. Do not beat:

Never spank your child when he is angry. This beating will stunt his emotional development and encourage him to rage even more. He will develop a hatred towards you. So don't hit children.

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4. Try diverting your attention to:

When your child is angry, make an indirect attempt to divert his attention. Like you quietly went and left his favorite cartoon or favorite song. Or put his favorite food beautifully arranged on the table. You will see his attention shifted here from anger.

5. Talk to him in soft language:

It is a most excellent teaching method. This will help your child understand the negative side of anger. Sit him in a high place then talk to him gently. If he gets angry about going shopping to buy a new toy, take him out. Show the street children their plight of not having toys. Believe me, a beautiful mental being will be created inside him.

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