The Dhaka Times Desk Those who use the Internet through a router at home can face this problem. It was found that the internet connection suddenly went away while working. After some time the internet connection came back. A UK physics student has found a solution to this vexing problem.
This student says the main reason is the space allocated to the router. You need to place your router in such a place that it can spread Wi-Fi evenly. As a result, you no longer have to face the router disconnected problem. The thing is, the farther you are from the router, the harder it is to receive the router's tendrils Wi-Fi signal. If you can place it in a place where its Wi-Fi wave can spread easily, this problem will not exist anymore. Jason Cole, a PhD student at Imperial College London, managed to pick this exact spot. When Jason Cole was having connection problems with his router, he thought about it and then came up with a solution himself.
You may wonder what else! Not that Jason Cole solved this problem with physics. And its solution will get Wi-Fi signal of the same wave anywhere in a house. He determined two things to solve this problem: first, the best location for the wireless router and the floor plan of the house. Cole first made a floorplan of the building and worked out how much the walls reflected waves. And to figure it out he took the help of Helmholtz equation. This results in a calculation of the refraction of the wall with the router's wave. Then according to his calculations, he connected the router to his home. After that it no longer lost connection unless manually disconnected. See the results of his work here.
And by this, equal level of internet connection is available in all corners of the house. Cole has now developed an Android app that will find the best place to place a Wi-Fi router in your home.
See more in the video:
Reference: TechJournal
This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২২, ২০২৪ 2:48 pm
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