The Dhaka Times
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Strike on Thursday and Sunday to demand Saeedi's release

The Dhaka Times Desk Jamaat-e-Islami Naib Amir has demanded the immediate release of Delawar Hussain Saeedee, accused of war crimes and sentenced to life imprisonment. In addition, the organization has called for next 48-hour strike across the country in protest.


Regarding the strike, Jamaat-e-Islami has said that it will last 24 hours from 6:00 a.m. on Thursday to 6:00 a.m. on Friday, prayer program for Saeedee at home and abroad on Friday and a nationwide protest program on Saturday has been announced. And a 24-hour strike has been announced from 6 am on Sunday to 6 am on Monday.

Earlier on Wednesday afternoon, Jamaat acting Amir Maqbul Ahmad and Acting Secretary General Dr. Shafiqur Rahman gave information about the strike in a joint statement. They said, Maulana Delawar Hossain Saeedi is a scholar of religion, the world's leading mufassir of the Qur'an. His place in the hearts of countless people of the world including Bangladesh. Maulana Delawar Hossain Saeedee is being hanged.

It is to be noted that the Appellate Division has reduced the sentence of Jamaat leader Delaware Hossain Saeedee who was sentenced to death in the crime against humanity case on Wednesday.

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