The Dhaka Times
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Eye-catching new models of flying cars start selling!

The Dhaka Times Desk Again new car but this time the sale of eye-catching new model flying car is starting. No worries about traffic jams or whatever!

flying cars

Due to the traffic jam, everyone is extremely displaced. Even if you have a car, you have to go out on the road and get stuck in traffic jams for hours. This traffic jam has become a great irony in city life. But now you don't have to worry anymore. Now with pocket power you can bypass traffic jams and cross the road effortlessly. One such car is entering the market. A brand new model of flying car.

While there have been many problems with flying cars in the past, there are no such problems with this car. A limited number of models will be sold after a test run of the flying car at two locations in Nevada, USA. This flying car will run only on certain roads in Nevada.

Such a flying car is needed in the traffic situation in our country. But for this it will take a lot of money. A time will come when this flying car will be seen in Bangladesh too - we are waiting for that day.

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