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About 10,000 people commit suicide in Bangladesh every year due to depression!

The Dhaka Times Desk Depression is a big problem for Bangladesh. Because of this, about 10,000 people commit suicide every year in Bangladesh, according to a recent survey by the World Health Organization and psychiatrists.


According to a recent survey by the World Health Organization, about one crore people in Bangladesh are suffering from depression. The most alarming thing is that people suffering from depression are more likely to commit suicide. And because of this every year in Bangladesh about 10 thousand people commit suicide. Only one percent of children are at risk of suicide. Psychiatrists have called for strengthening the social security system to reduce this terrible risk.

Psychiatrists said, 'The news of suicide cannot be disclosed in detail in the media. Above all, the state and society should pay special attention to the children of 'Broken Families'. These facts came out in the recent survey of the World Health Organization and the statements of psychiatrists. News from media sources.


Prominent psychiatrist Dr. Quoting Mohit Kamal, the news said, 'One part of Bangladeshi children (under 17 years of age) suffer from depression. The tendency of suicide is very high among them. But committing suicide is a crime; It is said in religion and law.' The psychiatrist also said, 'those who commit suicide, why or why they did it - should be identified and preventive measures should be taken. Society should learn from these suicide wounds. Also parents or guardians have to learn.

Psychiatrist Dr. Mohit Kamal also said, 'Those who commit suicide are 'murderers' in one sense. They are committing a crime by killing life. No mercy should ever be shown to them. Again, their case should not be published in the media in detail. This is because it can have an adverse effect on those suffering from depression.' He also said, 'Children should choose the path of well-educated, forgetting the crimes and sufferings of their parents. If there is a separation between the parents in a family, the neighbors and relatives should be responsible for the children of that family.'


Experts believe that changes are coming in our social structure and values. Family ties are getting weaker. In addition to decreasing communication with relatives, communication among family members is also decreasing. Moreover, the trend of separation or separation between husband and wife has also increased. All in all, the shelter of social bonds within the society is gradually breaking down. And so when a person of any age feels the lack of shelter from family or society and loses the means to express his feelings or express his needs, then he becomes depressed and at some point he is forced to choose the path of suicide.

The people of the society should understand these things. Otherwise, as the number of depressed people in the society will increase, the tendency of suicide will also increase gradually.

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