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How to spend less time on Facebook?

The Dhaka Times Desk In this age of social media, you probably can't imagine a day without Facebook. However, you have to admit that Facebook is a huge waste of your time. So, to save yourself from wasting time on Facebook, this is our plan today. Here we will highlight some effective ways to reduce Facebook usage.


1. If you want to cut back on Facebook, write down something as a password that reminds you why you want to cut back on Facebook. For example, let's say you have an exam ahead of you, so you want to reduce the use of Facebook, but you can write exam knocking the door or something like that as a password.

2. If you are a Chrome browser user on your desktop or laptop, you can use a browser extension called stayFocused. Install it. Then through this you can set how many hours you want to use Facebook in a week or a day. This will log you out if you use Facebook for more than the specified hours on that day. As a result you have to login again.

3. Go here if you are a Windows user. Open the hosts file in notepad. Now enter the Facebook domain next to the IP address. Block is done. Now you will not be able to access Facebook from your PC.

4. Do not keep mobile or laptop around during your studies or other work. Keep these two things away as much as possible and sit down to read or work. If possible, turn them off.

5. Turn off Facebook notifications on desktop, laptop or smartphone. If possible, uninstall the Facebook app from your smartphone. You can install it again after testing. Smartphones these days have many features that allow you to reuse apps without completely uninstalling them.

It's really up to you to make the best use of your time if you want. In this case, we have given you only a few tips which will help you to use Facebook in an effective way.

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