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At the last moment, the use of 'steroid hormone' to fatten the sacrificial cow!

The Dhaka Times Desk Cows are using 'steroid hormones' everywhere for the sake of Eid al-Adha! But this beef is very harmful to the human body.

শেষ মুহূর্তে কোরবানীর গরু মোটাতাজা করতে ‘স্টেরয়েড হরমোন’ ব্যবহারের হিড়িক! 1

Unethical work for money is not new in our country. The relevant department of the government also knows that these are happening. But there is no one to see. The use of 'steroid hormones' in cows starts a few months before the coming of Eid al-Adha. Through this, cows can be fattened and sold at a higher price. A class of people in the country are doing such unethical work to earn more money. We see these news in media every year but no action is actually taken. This situation has been going on for the past few years.

Due to the lack of government registration and monitoring of the use of 'steroid hormones', the cattle farms are not paying attention to ethics. Fatty cows are being used in excess of harmful 'steroid hormones' in farms. Eating this beef can reduce the immune system of people and damage various organs including liver, kidney.

Again, due to lack of proper statistics and registration of such farms in the country, the concerned department is not able to take any effective legal action. And in that opportunity the profiteering circle has been doing such unethical work. Some unscrupulous businessmen have started a cow fattening project by applying these 'steroid hormones' a few months ahead of Qurbani Eid.

Shere Bangla Agricultural University Associate Professor of Animal Production and Management Department. Md. Jahangir Alam told the media, 'Steroid hormones are so dangerous that the beef does not spoil even after cooking. Which can enter the human body and damage important organs including kidneys and liver.' He also said, 'In many cases, this hormone can cause infertility, early puberty in girls and premature death of children.'

Veterinarian Jahangir Alam also said that steroid hormone injections are used a few days before the sale of cows. And buyers slaughter the cows before the injection is fully effective. Due to which harmful 'steroids' remain at dangerous levels in cow's body. And this is how this harmful substance enters the human body through meat.

The news source quoted a veterinary doctor as saying, 'There is no statistics on how many veterinary tablets there are in the country. The use of hormonal steroids has been completely banned in the Livestock Act 2010. But still that instruction is not followed.

He said, if farmers overuse harmful steroids, there is no power to stop it or bring it under the law. Farmers are using these medicines freely and illegally on this occasion.

It should be noted that injections of various steroids including Dexamethasone, Hydrocortisone, Cortisol, Betamethasone, Prednisolone are used 5 to 10 times more than necessary. For that reason, by increasing the amount of water in the cow's cells, the cow's body swells and makes it look like one. As a result, the cow looks very fat.

How to identify cows with excess steroids:

Quoting Mofazzal Hossain, proctor and former chairman of the Animal Nutrition, Genetics and Breeding Department of Shere Bangla Agricultural University, the media reported that the body of cows fed with excessive steroid drugs is very weak. Cows are always silent. Cannot walk or eat properly. Once you sit down, you can't get up. If you press your fingers on the muscular area of the thigh on the back of these cows, there will be pain there. Because it looks like meat from the outside, but actually there is more water in it. Experts said that if these artificially fattened cows are not slaughtered within a certain period, they will die.

So everyone should be aware of these issues. As Eid of Sacrifice is ahead. So those traders will try to sell these cows in the cow market. By paying attention to the above points, you may understand which cows are using harmful hormonal steroids.

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