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Discovery of drugs to fight cancer cells

The Dhaka Times Desk Cancer has taken the lives of countless people for a long time and is still taking it. Thousands of people are dying due to cancer without being able to get expensive treatment. However, this time scientists are claiming that they have discovered drugs to prevent cancer cells.


Cancer cells are cells in our body that cause us harm rather than good. But it grows in our body. Until now there was no drug to prevent or eliminate or suppress these cancer cells, now scientists claim they have discovered a drug that can fix cancer cells in a certain state. This means that a cancer patient can't spread cancer to other parts of the body where cancer is present, so people won't lose their lives due to cancer.

There are some proteins in our body known as Ral. Basically, cancer spreads from one cell to another through the activity or autophagy of this Ral. Doctors tested an inactive cell of Ral protein in the laboratory and found that this Ral protein does not cause any problems in the inactive state, but when it is active or wakes up, it also wakes up the adjacent Ral protein and affects the spread of cancer cells in the body.

Scientists say they have discovered a way to inactivate the Ral protein, which will greatly reduce the spread of cancer in the human body. There are many types of cancer such as pancreatic, prostate, lung, colon and bladder. Scientists are now trying to stop the growth of these cancer cells. Now it's time to wait when this drug will reach the common people suffering from cancer...

formula-The TechJournal

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