The Dhaka Times
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Poppy's TV show 'Nilkast' on small screen on Eid

The Dhaka Times Desk When Eid comes, the big screen heroine Popi acts in two or four special dramas or telefilms. This Eid was no exception. Viewers will see Poppy's TV show 'Neelkast' on the small screen on Eid.


Poppy is a multi-time national award winning performer. Despite his fame on the big screen, Poppy has not been seen in any new film for a long time. He is now busy with small screen acting due to Eid. Poppy's television show will also be seen this Eid. The name of Poppy's telefilm this year is 'Neelkast'.


Poppy acted in this telefilm made for Ekushey TV. Another actor of this generation of TV is Apurva, his co-star in the telefilm 'Neelkast' directed by BU Shubhar.


It is known that apart from 'Neelkast', Poppy will also be seen in the programs of some other TV channels during Eid.

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