The Dhaka Times
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Made 6 mood modern speed boat!

The Dhaka Times Desk We've seen a variety of strange cars and boats in science fiction films that can also transform into different shapes. Now the Australian company Kormaran has made a special speed boat with 6 moods.


Kormaran says they have built a boat that can transform itself into 6 shapes as it moves through the water. These shapes are catamaran, trimaran, monohull, high-speed flight mode, night mode and bathing mode, carbon fiber is used in the body of this speed boat and various metals and wood are used on the deck.


Kormaran says they tried very hard to keep the weight of this modern speed boat very low, but it was not possible because it has 6 different designs and hydroelectric machinery, the total weight is 1,500 kg. Various electrical devices have been used in it. It can also use jet fuel including petrol and diesel. Its speed is 77 km per hour in water. It can go 200 km in a row. It can seat a driver and two passengers. It has 3 propellers of 493 horse power.

Meanwhile, Kormaran has not given any idea about the price of this speed boat made by them, so the price of this modern watercraft at the moment remains a mystery.

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