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Ebola cases continue to rise: 4,000 dead so far

The Dhaka Times Desk After AIDS, the Ebola virus has taken a terrible form. The number of Ebola patients is increasing. At least 4,000 people have died worldwide so far.

Ibola Virus

After AIDS, this virus appeared in the human body in an epidemic form. More than 4,000 people have died from the deadly Ebola virus, according to the World Health Organization. Again, more than 233 health workers are among these victims, according to the United Nations. Patients with this disease spread its germs very easily. Due to which doctors are not spared. However, in the current situation, doctors are providing medical services by ensuring full safety.

According to the latest statistics, 4 thousand 24 people have lost their lives due to the Ebola virus in the West African countries of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. The total number of infected with this Ebola virus is 8 thousand 399 people. And most of it is in West Africa.

The Ebola virus has already spread to several countries in Europe. The international press said that a nurse in Spain was infected with the Ebola virus. Besides, 7 more people are being treated at the hospital suspected of being infected with Ebola. After the incident, Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy announced the formation of a special team to deal with the Ebola virus.

However, experts are working hard to find ways to avoid this virus. It is known that experts have already started the experimental application of a drug to prevent the Ebola virus in the West African country of Mali. According to media sources, this drug was first applied to the body of a health worker in the West African country of Mali on October 8. After that, 2 more health workers also received this treatment.

How does the Ebola virus spread?

According to the World Health Organization, Ebola is a viral disease whose initial symptoms are sudden onset of fever, profound weakness, muscle and sore throat. All these symptoms are seen only at the beginning. Then comes vomiting, diarrhea and sometimes bleeding inside and outside the body.

Where does this virus come from?

Human body is mainly infected with this disease from infected animals. For example: chimpanzees, bats and antelopes can enter the body if they are close to this virus. which later spread from person to person.

Ibola Virus-2

Infection after death!

The Ebola virus spreads directly from one person to another. However, it is mainly spread through blood, body fluids or organs. Again, even in the places where this disease has spread, this disease can be transmitted. It has been said that there is a risk of infection during funerals of people who died of Ebola. If a healthy person comes in contact with the corpse, he can also become infected.

How long does it take for symptoms to appear?

After infection with this Ebola virus, it can take at least 2 to 3 weeks for the disease to fully spread. Not only that, this disease is very difficult to detect.

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