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Play a boyfriend who kills his girlfriend and cooks!

The Dhaka Times Desk Hey love! It was such a love that in the end he killed the lover and played cooking again, a lover! The event is from Australia. His name is Marcus Volk.

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An Australian made an example of the cruelest act. He is a chef by profession. He killed his love and cooked it again. This amazing Australian chef is named Marcus Volk. Age will be 28. Police claimed that brutal Marcus had killed his girlfriend and cooked various body parts. Then he himself committed suicide.

According to the police, neighbors first discovered Marcus's brutal crime. They searched Marcus's room after smelling a strange smell of cooked meat. Marcus runs away after seeing the neighbors but everyone is shocked to see such brutality in the kitchen. They see cooked meat in a pot. The rest of the body parts are in the kitchen dustbin. On the night of October 4, Marcus committed this thrilling incident in an apartment in Brisbane.

A neighbor told the police, 'I was smelling something for a few days. It smelled like meat that had been fed to dogs.' But gradually the neighbors became unbearable with the terrible rotten smell.

Marcus later ran away and stabbed himself to death near his apartment. Police are yet to figure out how the Marcuses' deep love turned brutal. The name of Marcus's murdered girlfriend is Mayang Prasetio. He is 27 years old. Mayang Praset was also a resident of Indonesia. Corbett is a dancer by profession. He was staying in Melbourne for 5 years. Marcus also married his girlfriend. They were living permanently in Australia after their marriage. But it is still not known what caused such a horrific incident. Police are investigating the matter.

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