The Dhaka Times
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Jhalmuri on the roof of the train!

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Today is Sunday, 12 October 2014 Christ, 27 Ashwin 1421 Bengal, 16 Zilhaj 1435 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

Train Travel

The saying 'Ekete Nachne Buri, Taraopar Dhol Bari' is very true here too. Because passengers are already risking their lives on the roof of the train. Then there is the nuisance of Jhalmuri. Crossing the destination quietly and buying and eating it because of the hustle and bustle are all risky.

This is how ordinary people are returning to the capital after Eid at the risk of their lives. The risk of life is absolutely insignificant to these people. In our country, the lower classes have to read these again. Another reason for this is lack of awareness. If he was a little aware, no one would have risked his life like that. Everyone should come forward to create awareness among everyone. If you try, one day these people will understand their mistake.

Photo: Courtesy of

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