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The former Iranian president traveled to work by bus!

The Dhaka Times Desk If the people of our country were told that a former president traveled by bus, no one would believe it. But the story is true. And that is the former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad went to work by bus!

Former Iranian president and bus travel

It is hard to imagine such an event, but the one-time supreme leader of Iran has now started teaching at a university. Again he is going to work every day on the bus! He is the former president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

After retiring from political life for the second consecutive term, the former president has returned to his main profession of teaching. Earlier this year, he also started teaching at a science and technology university.

Ahmadinejad now rides the bus every day to go to work, Inservia News said. Bus is his main mode of transportation. Ahmadinejad, the former president of Iran, was born in 1956 in a town called Garmsar near Tehran. He has been living a very simple life since childhood. He has always been vocal against corruption.
The former president of Iran received his PhD in Traffic and Transport from Tehran University of Science and Technology. Ahmadinejad began his political career in the late 1970s as an adviser to the mayor of Sarkord. Ahmadinejad joined the army in 1980. He was also appointed as the mayor of Maku near the Turkish border.

In the late 1990s, he was appointed as the governor of Ardabil city. He then became head of the Hardline Revolutionary Guerrero Special Forces. Ahmadinejad was elected mayor of Tehran in 2003. After that, Ahmadinejad was elected president of Iran in 2005 with massive public support. In 2009, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was re-elected as president. Ahmadinejad could not stand in the 2013 elections due to constitutional obstacles.

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