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See pictures of US presidents before and after becoming heads of state

The Dhaka Times Desk If you ask which is the most powerful country in the world, the answer will naturally be the United States of America. It is natural to understand that the task of becoming the head of state or president of that country will not be very easy. And here are some comparative pictures from which it can be understood that these heads of state are under a lot of work pressure.

before-and-after-term-us-presidents-7Current President Barack Obama (2008-2014)

Being the head of state of a powerful country is a very stressful job. On top of that, if it is from a country like America, then it is fine. These pictures show him before and after becoming the head of state. Exuberant, inspiring and has a strong appearance before becoming the head of state, which becomes much more mellow under the pressure of work after becoming the head of state. The time difference in each film is about eight years. That is, before becoming the head of state, the image after the completion of the duties of the head of state has been shown.

before-and-after-term-us-presidents-1George W. Bush (2001-2008)

Just look at the pictures and you will understand the pressure of work of statesmen. Lively people are very old after eight years. Note that among these presidents, Abraham Lincoln was in power for 4 years. But the basic structure of America was created during his reign, so you can understand how much he had to do by looking at his pictures. He aged faster than everyone else.

before-and-after-term-us-presidents-5Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865)

This state is a reflection of the hopes and aspirations of its citizens. And statesmen turn that hope into reality. As a result, this important responsibility is not an easy matter as these pictures will show you. See more in the gallery

Reference: Borpanda

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