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Chinese millionaire said: You are poor because it is your karma

The Dhaka Times Desk Not everyone in the world comes from mother's womb as a rich man, you will get money and wealth in life only when you work hard and try to take yourself to that height. Chinese billionaire Jack Ma is the owner of the popular trading site From his own experience, he gave some suggestions on what to do to improve the youth society in life.


Jack Ma said, I was not in this position where I am today. When I started thinking about Alibaba, China's internet world was not so developed. I had to think against the grain to do something. I did not decide on my own that I would establish Alibaba. I had to sit with my family and friends. Everyone had to be discussed. I invited 25 friends to my house. I told them my plan. Among them 24 friends told me that you are wrong. You are wrong to think like this where most of the people don't have access to internet in China, you can't think that you will work with this sector and build the future. A friend of mine always told me "Do what you want to do from your heart, try and see if the goal is right, success will come."

Jack Ma said I was not disappointed, where 24 of my 25 friends did not let me work with Alibaba, I went ahead with my goal. I stick to the goal. Alibaba didn't bring me to this stage today, I brought Alibaba to this stage. No one will hand you something, you have to know how to take it. Make real use of your youth working time.


Jack Ma has a few quotes for the youth who want to make something of themselves. He says if you want to be rich you must remember these things, only then you will move ahead with your own initiative. Below are these quotes

  • It is not your fault to be born poor but it is your fault to be poor.
  • If you are born into a poor family and remain poor at the age of 35, being poor is not your fault, you expect it. Because you have not put your youth to good use, you have completely wasted time.
  • If you want to go higher in life, start at 25, plan yourself, do what you know you enjoy.
  • Go ahead or go home.
  • You are poor because you lack foresight.
  • You are poor because you have not conquered your timidity.
  • You are poor because you have not used your highest potential.
  • You are poor so everyone will regret no one will make you rich.
  • When you can't afford your parents' medical expenses, no one will give it to you.
  • When you can't make any progress even at your 35 year old everyone will laugh at you but no one will take you by the hand.

You have to come forward for yourself. One has to think, one has to integrate practical reality with thought. Mak Ma also said that many people are disappointed, if someone wants to improve their life, then the main reasons behind this are 4.

1) Keeping an eye on opportunities and making good use of them.

2) Keep looking for opportunities, you never know when they will come so keep trying.

3) To understand anything, to try to understand.

4) Not knowing how to lose, if you have to lose, why so soon? You have to know how to stick.

He who follows all the above will never be poor. And one who remains poor even at the age of 35 expects that. You are poor because you have no ambition.

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