The Dhaka Times Desk Playwright Humayun Ahmed's once popular TV series 'Eisab Dinratri' 'Tuni' has committed suicide. Actress Nair Sultana, who played the role of 'Tooni', has passed away. It is believed to have committed suicide initially.
Many people remember BTV's once popular serial drama 'Aisab Dinratri'. At that time, the only TV in the country was BTV's very popular serial drama 'Eisab Dinratri'. People from all over the country wrote a letter requesting the dramatist Humayun Ahmed to save the life of a character 'Tuni' in the play. Nayar Sultana, the actress who played the role of Tuni, is no more.
This tuni and that tuni
Initially, Nair Sultana's death was presumed to be suicide, but her family raised various questions about the death. Quoting sources from Gulshan police station, the media reported that a team of Gulshan police station led by SI Mohammad Asaduzzaman immediately recovered Nair's body and sent it to Dhaka Medical College Hospital for post-mortem.
It is learned that Nayar's mother Razia Sultana has filed a murder case against Sultana's husband Ali Amin at Gulshan police station, accusing Nair of instigating suicide.
Meanwhile, he was arrested from Nair's house in Gulshan after the police filed a case. It is also known that Ali Amin has already been sent to court.
It has been said from the side of the family, 'Since marriage, Amin's husband did not communicate with Nair on various issues. It is also alleged that Amin used to torture Nair mentally and physically. According to them, Nair chose to commit suicide because he could not bear the additional torture.
with children
Note that Ali Amin is working in Bengal Towel Industries. 35-year-old Nair also has two children Anha Amin (9) and Azari Amin (6).