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130 Bangladeshi slave laborers rescued from Thailand jungle [VIDEO]

The Dhaka Times Desk 130 Bangladeshi slave laborers were rescued from a jungle in Thailand. A gang in southern Thailand had been using these Bangladeshis in various farms or fishing jobs for a long time.

Thailand rescued 130 Bangladeshi

According to media reports, Bangladeshis were made to work like slaves there. A gang in southern Thailand had been doing this for a long time. These Bangladeshis were being used for a long time in the farm or fishing there. Bangladesh News24 has given this news citing BBC.

According to the news, at least 130 Bangladeshi men were brought here in search of better jobs. Basically all of them are victims of human trafficking. Local authorities have rescued 130 such Bangladeshis in the last 1 week.

The rescued said that after leaving Bangladesh, they were taken to Thailand by boat with drugs, hands and feet tied. There were about 300 such people in that boat. They were then taken to some camps hidden in the jungle on the coast of Thailand and sold as slave labor.

A Bangladeshi named Abdur Rahim, who was rescued, said that they were kept in the forest. No food was provided. For 10 days they somehow survived by eating only leaves. The Thai brokers beat him to such an extent that he still walks. The Bangladeshi said that they were made to work as slave labor in farms or fishing boats. A local officer working to prevent human trafficking rescued them after 3 weeks of captivity. Many more are reported to be missing.

Watch the video of the rescuers

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