The Dhaka Times
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A battery will last 20 years!

The Dhaka Times Desk The days of charging a smartphone or technology product and worrying about its battery are over. Scientists have now created a battery that will take less time to charge and will be durable for up to 20 years!


Scientists say they have made some changes to the currently widely used lithium-ion battery and have achieved unexpected success. They found that changing some of the lithium ion led to a breakthrough in lithium ion batteries. The new process takes only 2 minutes to charge these batteries when they are completely empty.

Meanwhile, scientists say that this battery can hold a charge for 10 times longer than other ordinary lithium batteries. Its efficiency is very high. This new battery has no chance of deterioration if it is installed in a device for up to 20 years. Also, if the re-charge of the currently used general battery is 500 times i.e. charging 500 times, the ability to take and hold the charge decreases. But the re-charge capacity of this new battery is 10,000 times!

Scientists have reported that they have used titanium dioxide gel in lithium-ion batteries, which has greatly increased the battery's capacity. Within the next 1-2 years, this battery will be used in various devices including smartphones, electric cars.

formula- sciencealert

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