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Health exceptions you never knew existed

The Dhaka Times Desk There are many things we know about everyday health or mental health that we take for granted. But there may be some exceptions to these facts. As you can imagine, this exception will not be valid. The interesting thing is that most of the time these exceptions are correct. But let's find out about some of the exact exceptions.

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A cup of coffee for a good light sleep

Isn't that surprising? You're drinking a cup of coffee to stave off sleepiness, but it only accelerates the afternoon light sleep. A recent Japanese study found that most people drink coffee to prevent afternoon naps but fall asleep quickly in what is called a cat nap. But Japanese researchers say it's a coffee nap, not a catnap. 200 mg of caffeine induces a 20-minute catnap. And after this sleep they can do any kind of work very well. As with coffee, caffeine deactivates adenosine to stimulate brain activity. But it takes about 20 minutes to completely deactivate this adenosine. And at this time sleep comes because adenosine is very effective.

Do not brush teeth immediately after eating for dental health

Brushing teeth after eating is not recommended. You are thinking wrongly, actually it is not right to brush your teeth immediately after eating. Because we eat acidic foods such as various fruits, sports drinks, tomatoes and sodas. They soften the enamel on the teeth, so brushing at this time can damage the enamel.

You can eat to reduce eating

If you eat some carbs, it won't do much harm but it will raise your blood sugar. But in all these cases, if you want to maintain the energy level of your body, you can take protein food. It will boost your energy by keeping your body's sugar levels in check.

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Drink water when full

Drinking too much water while hydrated may seem harmful to you. But if you want to control the diet, keep your stomach full of water. Because it will help the fiber in your food to dissolve faster.

Exercise when you are tired

After a long day of office work, exercise never comes to your mind. But a 30-minute break after your workout will sweat more from your body but increase the amount of oxygen in your bloodstream.

Write down to boost brain function

Nowadays, due to various technological gadgets, our habit of writing down is almost lost. But a recent study has shown that you remember something better if you write it down on paper than on an online gadget, or if you read it on paper than online.

Spend less time with each other to improve your relationship

If you are in a new love, special notice for you spend less time with each other, maintain distance. As you know, distance draws you closer. Research has shown that those in romantic relationships who spent less time together than they should have had longer relationships.

Reference: The Huffington Post

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