The Dhaka Times Desk National identity card is a very useful thing nowadays. Everyone needs to have this card to get the various benefits of Rastra. But what to do when your national identity card is lost or stolen? How, where to apply for a new identity card? Our today's post is about answering all such questions.
If the National Identity Card is lost or any information previously provided needs to be corrected, you must do some work. In this case, the application form should be written to the director of 'Provision of voter list with photo and assistance in providing national identity card project'. And this application form is available at the project office on the seventh floor of the Islamic Foundation building in Agargaon. You have to submit your application form at the project office on 7th floor of Islamic Foundation Building, Agargaon, after submitting there you will be given a time to get the revised identity card and within that time you have to get the identity card.
Now let's know what you need to apply for a new identity card if your identity card is lost or needs to be corrected due to various reasons-
1. SSC or equivalent certificate,
2. Citizenship Certificate (from Local Ward or Union Parishad)
3. Birth Certificate (from local ward or union council)
4. Employment proof (if employed)
5. Passport (if any)
6. Nikahnama and (in case of married persons)
7. Photocopy of national identity card of father, husband or mother.
These documents attached with above mentioned application must be attested. And in the case of these certified copies, whoever has to pay what he has. Now let's know what is needed in some cases -
If you want to change the name-
Many have wrong names on their current national identity cards. In this case, it is necessary to correct your name or change your name. For this, the attested photocopy of SSC or equivalent certificate must be submitted along with the application form, but if your educational qualification is not below this, you must submit Nikah Nama, along with the attested photocopy of your husband or wife's identity card, if you are married. Affidavit executed in Magistrate Court and copy of name change advertisement published in national newspaper. For change of name, the candidate has to appear at the project office on the day of hearing with the original copies of the documents.
Addition or omission of husband's name-
Many may remarry, necessitating the inclusion of a new husband's name. In this case, marriage certificate and husband's national identity card should be submitted along with the application form after marriage. And if the husband's name is to be omitted due to divorce, the applicant must submit a certified copy of the divorce certificate.
If you want to correct the address-
If your current address or locality changes, there is also a chance to re-correct it once a year around February month. When change of address cannot be applied for. However, the project office in Dhaka has the opportunity to make corrections (if spelling, house number, road number is wrong) without changing the address. Minor corrections or changes to permanent addresses are allowed throughout the year.
If identity card is lost-
If the identity card is lost, a general diary (GD) should be made at the concerned police station mentioning the voter number or ID number. After that, the application form along with the original copy of GD taken from the project office should be submitted at the specified counter and the receipt should be received. The duplicate identity card is issued on the date mentioned in the acknowledgment of receipt.
How expatriates will get National Identity Card-
Expatriates have the opportunity to obtain national identity cards. For this they must come to the country. They must have a passport. And it should have Bangladesh arrival seal (arrival seal). He has to go to his thana or upazila election office with passport and various proofs. There you have to get national identity card and fill the application form to become a voter. After completing the systematic process there, the applicant should bring the form and related documents to the district election office. From here the rest of the process will be called.
So, follow the above procedure without getting frustrated or panic if your National Identity Card is lost.