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Structures like crocodile fossils were found on Mars!

There is no end to human research on Mars

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no end to human research on Mars. Now some fossils have been found in the hard rocks of Mars that look a lot like crocodiles.

Crocodile Mars fossils were

Scientists have been researching the existence of life on Mars, known as the red planet for a long time. Now it seems that the long-time research dream of scientists is really going to be realized. In the hard rock of Mars, scientists have found some fossils that look a bit like crocodiles. Because of this, the Mars Curiosity Rovers speculate that life existed or exists on Mars, known as the Red Planet.

Joe White, an astrophysicist at Curiosity, has noticed some crocodile-like fossils scattered around Mars. Scientists believe that the object is either fossilized or frozen. These photos of the fossil were recently taken from a height of 6 feet from the right side of the Curiosity Mast Cam. However, nothing has been officially announced by NASA about the pictures.

There is no end to the research of scientists on Mars. For ages, scientists have been researching and extracting various information one after another.


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