The Dhaka Times
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A short film 'Slum Dog' is being made about children.

The Dhaka Times Desk Only a handful of films have been made about children and teenagers in our country. This time a short film 'Slum Dog' is being made with children. This film is being made about the complex situation of children and teenagers in Bangladesh.

Slum Dog

Everything is changing day by day. Child crime is increasing day by day. In the context of Bangladesh, the matter is gradually becoming complex. A short film 'Slum Dog' on child crimes is being made in the country with these contexts.

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The shooting of the short film has already started in various locations including the station in the capital. Shahriar Lalon's original idea of the movie 'Slum Dog' which is about child crime. 'Slum Dog' is directed by Imarat Hossain and Shahriar Lalon. Source: Bangladesh News24

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The story of the short film Slum Dog mainly revolves around juvenile delinquency. The film 'Slum Dog' has highlighted how children growing up on different footpaths and slums of the city get involved in various types of social crimes including arms and drug dealing.

The film portrays two children who are involved in the drug trade of a railway station. Later they gradually got involved in large-scale smuggling and crime, including drugs. Because of stomach, these street children are forced to commit various crimes. A class of profiteers is forcing these young children to engage in crime.

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