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How to use the computer without damaging the eyes

The Dhaka Times Desk The use of computers has increased with the times. However, due to its daily use, eye damage can occur. Learn how to use a computer without damaging your eyes.

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Everyone has to depend on technology to keep up with the times. And most of the work of using technology has to be done on the computer. Computers have become people's leisure companions outside of work. Working on this computer for a long time or staring at the screen can cause various problems. Computer work puts severe strain on the eyes. Due to which, apart from vision loss, there are various symptoms including watery eyes, headache.

the eye damage & computer

Experts have given several suggestions to prevent the damages that can be caused by sitting at the computer for a long time. If you follow them, you can be free from eye problems while using the computer.

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# requires constant looking at the computer while working on it. It causes eye problems. So it's a good idea to blink occasionally rather than straining. The amount of moisture in the eyes will be normal. It does not cause dryness in the eyes. But because of the computer screen, we blink less. Prolonged staring at the computer is harmful to the eyes.

# It is very important to work on the computer in a light environment rather than in the dark. Avoid using doors, windows or lights that reflect light onto the monitor on the opposite side of the monitor while using the computer during the day. Use the computer in a location where light does not reflect on the monitor. Computers cannot be operated even in a completely dark room.

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# Many people increase the brightness of the monitor, it should not be at all. The brightness of the computer should be kept at a tolerable level. If the brightness is high, it can put more pressure on the eyes.

When using the # computer, it is important to maintain eye-level height compatibility with the screen. This is an important factor in eye health.

# Do not lean close to the monitor while using the computer. Keep a safe distance. Sit up straight while working.

# You can look at the natural environment outside the window while working on the computer, it will give your eyes a little rest.

When reading or writing on the # computer screen, try using a large front instead of a small font. It will not cause much pressure on the eyes.

1 Keep the TP5T computer monitor dust-free at all times. It will reduce the pressure on the eyes to read the text on the monitor.

When working on the # computer, you can get up and go back to work every hour or two without working continuously. It will benefit eyes and back.

Thus, while working on the computer, keep all aspects in mind. You can stay healthy from all your physical and mental aspects. Since computer is a very important subject in today's age, it is not possible to avoid it. However, if you follow the rules, many losses can be avoided.

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