The Dhaka Times
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October 26 strike demanding trial of Latif Siddiqui

The Dhaka Times Desk A strike has been called on October 26 to demand the trial of expelled minister and Awami League leader Latif Siddiqui. The combined Islamic party has called for this hartal in the morning and evening across the country next Sunday.

Hartal & Latif Siddiqui

The Combined Islamic Party has called a morning-evening hartal across the country on October 26 to demand exemplary punishment for Abdul Latif Siddiqui, who hurt religious sentiments. Secretary General Zafrullah Khan announced the strike in a press conference at the National Press Club on Wednesday.

Zafrullah Khan said, 'On October 16, we announced that if Latif Siddiqui is not arrested by October 22, we will hold a strike across the country on October 26. The government has failed, so as per our previous announcement, there will be strike on Sunday morning and evening.'

It should be noted that Abdul Latif Siddiqui insulted 'Hajj, Tabligh Jamaat and Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh)' at an event in New York on September 28. When the video clip of his speech was circulated on various social media, there was a huge reaction. Because of which he was expelled from the ministry and also expelled from the party. Many cases have been filed against him. Several cases are currently pending. But he is still absconding abroad.

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