Categories: Special article

Shahbagh to Bangladesh

M. H. Sohail From Shahbagh to Bangladesh - Such is the situation in the context of the recent youth movement. The initiative of just a few bloggers in Shahbag eventually became a mass gathering and it spread to all the cities-villages-towns of Bangladesh. Even this movement has now spread to the outside world.

Why this movement?

Many people may know the answer to this question. Because the war criminals of 42 years of independence of this country have not been tried but they have been given ministerships in independent countries at different times. The people of this country have been watching those stories for 42 years. The demand for justice for those who committed crimes against humanity in the 1970s is in people's minds, but due to political reasons, it has not been expressed in such a way. And that's why thousands and millions of people are gathering at Shahbagh Ganajagran stage. People are now excited about the initiative of the youth. Those who have been holding the spirit of 1970s in their hearts till now are welcoming the initiative of the youth of Shahbagh. This movement of Shahbagh is now not limited to Shahbagh. This movement has now spread across the country. Not only that, expatriate Bengalis protested in the US, UK, Australia and even at the Eiffel Tower in France.

Today, the voice of the people demanding justice for the war criminals of 1971 has not been seen for so long. The people of this country have it only in their hearts. But it's blown. The people of the country are angry. Because the defeated enemies of 1971 are currently carrying out terrorist activities in this country, they want to make this country a Taliban state in the future. It is the responsibility of each and every one of our citizens to protect the freedom gained in exchange for the blood of millions of people and the honor of their mothers and sisters in 1971.

How many days will this movement last?

There is no time limit on how long the mass movement of Shahbagh will continue to demand justice for the war criminals. The protestors say that the movement will continue as long as war criminals are not hanged and Jamaat-Shibir politics is not banned. The agitator also said that, "This country has become independent after 9 months of war. If necessary, we will protest for years and get our demands. We will return home only".

Just what war criminals demand?

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Initially, they demanded the trial of the war criminals, but in the overall view of the country, the agitators demanded that the Jamaat camp should be banned and various institutions including Islami Bank Ltd, the source of their income run by the war criminals, should be closed. Because although Jamaat-e-Islam is the 4th class political party of this country, it can be seen from their terrorist activities, they provide huge amount of money in this terrorism sector. These funds are believed to come from various business establishments under their control, including Islami Bank Ltd, Ibn Sina. Therefore, they are being demanded to stop their source of earning money.

People's expectations

One expectation of the people is the trial of war criminals. Ensuring not only justice but maximum punishment. No one has forgotten the behavior of Jamaat-e-Islami with the people of this country during independence. They committed the most heinous and heinous crime in history to please the Pakistani invaders. Punishment for that heinous crime is the expectation of the people today. Demand for maximum punishment of war criminals and banning of war criminals' organization Jamaat-Shibir is also the expectation of the people today. The people of this country want to live peacefully in a free and independent country. This country was not made free to see the reign of violence, mayhem and terror. Therefore, people's expectation is that since the current government is the pro-independence force, they should ensure maximum punishment for war criminals and ban the organization of war criminals Jamaat-Shibir and stop their source of income.

Staff reporter

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