The Dhaka Times
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Breaking News: A terrible fire broke out on the 11th floor of the BSEC building

The Dhaka Times Desk A terrible fire has taken place on the 11th floor of the Bangladesh Steel and Engineering Corporation (BSEC) building in Karwan Bazar area of the capital. 20 units of fire service are working to douse the fire.

devastating fire

The fire started at around 11:50 on Friday. Since the incident, 20 units of the fire service are working to control the fire. However, heavy smoke is still coming out of the 11-storey building. Dainik Amar Desh Patrika office in this lock.

There are half a hundred commercial offices including NTV, RTV located in this building. But broadcasting of NTV and RTV has not stopped till now. No casualty has been reported in this incident yet.

Notably, in 2007, 3 people were killed and more than 100 people were injured in a terrible fire in this building. is damaged.

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