The Dhaka Times
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Dead whale saved from tiger shark attack [VIDEO]

The Dhaka Times Desk A surfer is suddenly in danger in the sea near Rottnest Island in Australia. During this time he was attacked by several tiger sharks and to save himself he sat on a huge dead whale.


Authorities in Australia said the man stayed on top of the dead whale for some time and struggled to save himself. At that time, Coast Guard members on patrol saw him and came forward to rescue him.

The surfer went a little too far off the coast of Rottnest Island while surfing and was suddenly attacked by a fierce and ferocious tiger shark. Meanwhile, the sharks chased him. The surfer came to save his life and got on the huge shark floating nearby.

The Coast Guard members said that at that time the sharks were eating the dead whale, so everyone was in a frenzy, and when the surfer was washed ashore, they thought it was food and wanted to attack him. However, the Coast Guard was later able to rescue the surfer unharmed.

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