The Dhaka Times
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Jamaat-e-Islami called a strike again on Thursday

The Dhaka Times Desk Jamaat-e-Islami has again called a strike on Thursday to protest the death sentence of party leader Mir Qasem Ali. The hartal has been called for Thursday except Wednesday as Tuesday is a public holiday for Muharram.


Jamaat-e-Islami has called a one-day hartal to demand the release of Jamaat leader Mir Qasem Ali following the death sentence verdict. Yesterday, Jamaat's Naib Amir, however, threatened a 'week-long strike if there is a death sentence'. Jamaat-in-charge Ameer Maqbool Ahmad announced this strike after the International Criminal Tribunal verdict was announced on Sunday.

In a statement, he said, 'A nationwide 24-hour strike will be observed from 6 am on Thursday 6 November to 6 am on Friday 7 November to demand the release of the arrested Jamaat leaders including Mir Kasem Ali.'

It is to be noted that Jamaat-e-Islami announced a strike of 3 days and 72 hours after the death sentence of party leader Matiur Rahman Nizami. The second day of the strike is going on today. Within this program, after the verdict of Mir Kasem, a new Thursday strike program was announced.

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