The Dhaka Times
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Three judgments in a short span of time have upset the Jamaat

The Dhaka Times Desk Three verdicts in a short span of time have left the Jamaat reeling. The party was quite upbeat after the death sentence of Delaware Hossain Sayeedi was commuted in the previous verdict. But the party is quite worried as Nizami and Mir Kasem's death sentence and Kamaruzzaman's final verdict are at the same time.

judgments Jamaat Agitated

Jamaat-e-Islami's Matiur Rahman Nizami was sentenced on Wednesday. The court sentenced him to death. On the other hand, the court sentenced Mir Kasem Ali to death in Sunday's verdict. And the final verdict of Kamaruzzaman will be given in the Appellate Division on Monday. Jamaat-Shibir is disoriented by the announcement of two consecutive death sentences by the International Criminal Tribunal for crimes against humanity and another final verdict today. Speaking to the party's leaders and activists at various levels expressed their frustration.

An online news media said, quoting a leader of Dhaka city who did not want to be named, 'Jamaat-e-Islami is now facing the biggest crisis in memory. Our leaders are under incredible pressure for 7 days. The whole organization is under pressure. Again the final appeal verdict in the case of Mr. Kamaruzzaman. It seems, we are witnessing another incident like Shaheed Abdul Quader Mulla.'

On October 23, former Amir of Jamaat-e-Islami Ghulam Azam Bangabandhu died while undergoing treatment in the prison cell of Sheikh Mujib Medical University Hospital. The verdicts further upset the party as they were unable to overcome the grief of the death. Meanwhile, Jamaat's Amir Maulana Matiur Rahman Nizami, executive council member Mir Kasem Ali has been sentenced to death by the International Criminal Tribunal. On Monday, the Supreme Court also upheld the death sentence in the final judgment of the party's Assistant Secretary General Muhammad Kamaruzzaman's case. Even the leaders and activists of the party are not able to understand why the judgments that have been pending for so many months are happening one after another. Again not getting any direction.

Even though hartals have been called since the announcement of the verdict, those hartals are also being celebrated loosely. Due to the strict stance of the government, Jamaat-e-Islami is not able to benefit. Naib Amir of the Natore party declared, 'If there is any death sentence then a prolonged hartal' was also not right after Mir Qasem's verdict was announced. Jamaat has called for a one-day hartal only on Thursday. At present, the party seems to be in an existential crisis. Party leaders are gradually losing confidence.

A news media report quoted a Shura member of Jamaat-e-Islami as saying, 'We don't know why the government is giving such a quick verdict. The government may want the activists to turn violent if the verdicts are given. And then the government will be able to show the outside world that there are militants in Bangladesh. But the leaders and activists will move forward knowingly.'

Anyway, after today's verdict, it will be understood in which direction the situation is going. Because when the verdict of Delawar Hussain Saeedi was reduced, there was a strong impression among the people that 'Jamaat has some secret connection with the government'. But the next two judgments of Nizami, Mir Kasem and Kamaruzzaman changed that calculation. Now only time will tell what is actually going to happen. And for that there is no alternative but to wait. But the people have one expectation, and that is peace and order in the country so that it is not disturbed in any way.

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