The Dhaka Times Desk His family members are going to meet Kamaruzzaman. After the verdict last Monday, he was brought from Kashimpur jail in Gazipur to Dhaka Central Jail.
According to media reports today, Jamaat leader Kamarujjuman's family members are going to meet him in the central jail. It is not known if this is the last sighting.
It has been said earlier that Jamaat leader Kamaruzzaman, who has been sentenced to death, will not seek pardon from the President. Kamaruzzaman's elder son Hasan Iqbal said this.
Hasan Iqbal told the media on Tuesday yesterday, "The government is not giving the opportunity to apply for a review of the judgment, nor is it waiting to publish a copy of the full judgment." Before that, efforts are being made to bring Mr. Kamaruzzaman from Kashimpur jail to Dhaka Central Jail to execute him, how will he beg for his life from the President there. Hasan Iqbal, the elder son of Kamaruzzaman, has expressed such an attitude.
With the sudden visit of the family members to the Central Jail today, there is a public perception that the 'execution' will be carried out today.