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Titanic will float in the sea again!

The Dhaka Times Desk Titanic will sail again. But it's not the Titanic that sank a hundred years ago - the new modern ship named Titanic-2, which sank a hundred years ago, has been announced by Australian billionaire Clive Palmer. On February 26 in New York, USA, he announced the creation of this modern Titanic-2 and showed its design. Reuters news.
Before the Titanic set sail, it was claimed that it would never sink. But the first journey was not successful. Clive Palmer did not claim that Titanic-2 would never sink. The design on which the Titanic was built claimed that the ship would never sink. In 1912, Titanic, the most luxurious ship of the time, collided with an iceberg after starting its journey from Southampton, England to New York, USA. 1500 people died in it. Now with the initiative to build a replica of that ship, Palmer says that any vessel can sink if there is a hole.

Titanic-2 will be built by China's state-owned CSC Jinling Shipyard. The construction contract will be signed next week and the construction of the ship will begin by the end of this year. Palmer said the ship will be able to sail in 2016.

The new Titanic-2 will cross the Atlantic in six days on the same path as the sunken Titanic, with more lifeboats and more safety measures for passengers than the original Titanic. Marku Canreva, director of the Finnish company that designed the ship, said it would be the safest ship in the world. It will be administered as an adjunct. The rooms will be decorated like Titanic. Travelers will go back to that era. The ship will have three separate classes. However, a ticket will be kept for any passenger who wants to get third class service. Ticket prices will be determined later.

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