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Just 30 minutes of exercise reduces the risk of breast cancer

The Dhaka Times Desk Researchers say that just 30 minutes of daily exercise can reduce the risk of breast cancer in a woman's body. They also found that obese women had a higher risk of breast cancer than slim women.


A 3-year study by the University of Oxford details why women get breast cancer and how to avoid the risk of this dreaded disease. The study was conducted on 1 lakh 25 thousand women. Researchers reviewed various aspects of these women for 3 years. At this time, starting from women's food intake, women's smoking, living process, food intake etc. are considered.

Researchers say the rate of female breast cancer in England is one in eight. More than 50,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer every year. The lives of many of them are at risk. Breast cancer threatens the lives of countless women around the world every year. If you are a little aware, it is possible to reduce the rate of breast cancer.

Experts say that if women do regular exercise for 30 minutes a day, the chances of getting breast cancer will be reduced. Healthy women have a higher risk of breast cancer than thin women. Therefore, to reduce the risk of cancer, health should be reduced and excess fat should be shed. Make a habit of exercising for at least 30 minutes daily.

formulaDaily Mail

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