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Rola, a Bangladeshi girl, is a Japanese fashion icon

The Dhaka Times Desk Bangladeshi girl Rola is a Japanese fashion icon, Rola is currently the most popular foreign star in Japan. Rola is primarily a model and TV personality.


Rola has a special attraction among young women in Japan. While Rola is a fashion model for various products and ramp shows there, she is most seen in various commercials on TV. Rolla is also currently popular on most bill boards on the streets of Japan. Rolla's big eyes easily caught the attention of the Japanese, Rolla has already appeared on the cover of numerous magazines in Japan.


Roller's father is Bangladeshi and mother is Russian Japanese. Roller was born in Japan but spent his childhood in Bangladesh. He can also speak Bengali. Recently in an interview with news agency AFP, Rolla said, I am a Japanese citizen of Bangladeshi origin. I am proud to be a Bangladeshi. But the people of Japan have given me a lot. I want to open my mind to the Japanese, I am what I am, I want others to do the same.'


Japanese culture has very little place for different cultures. The Japanese like to be themselves. But lately there is a lot of improvement in mixed citizens. The Japanese are becoming more liberal than before, so foreigners as well as locals are making their way in various fields, including the media.

The roller-coaster baboon posture and the gaze of Bengali eyes are enough to make Japanese men sleepless. The interesting thing about Rolla is that normal Japanese girls are very soft-spoken and soft-spoken, but Rolla is very nimble and Bengali, so soft-spoken is not in her style. "Whenever people tell me to be softer, I never worry about it," Rolla said.

formula- Wikipedia, Golf News

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