The Dhaka Times
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Toraja: Where the dead are not buried

The Dhaka Times Desk Although it may sound surprising, it is a fact that according to the custom of the village of Toraja in South Sulawesi, Indonesia, a dead person is not buried and left with them in a special coffin. On a certain day these dead are taken out of the coffin and dressed in new clothes.


Every year, all family members who die are exhumed from the coffin and the dead relatives are removed from special coffins or earthen caves in a special process of purification. The ceremony is regionally known as 'mainene' or corpse cleaning ceremony, according to the customs of the village of Toraja in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. On this day locals bring their ancestors or recently deceased relatives out of their coffins. They are given new clothes with special perfumes.


Later they were made to stand in special places one by one. All the family members organize new clothes and good food for the occasion. New clothes are also bought for the dead. Dressed in new clothes, some again carry the dead from one place to another. Their village is shown around.


The people of Toraja village believe that it is good for the family to leave the dead body of their ancestors after death and pick them up after a certain period of time. In this way the next generation gets an idea about their ancestors. They also have a peculiar custom of burying the dead in the town or village where he was born. So in many cases, a dead person born in a village is taken to his place of birth after death!

Although it may sound surprising, this is the custom of Toraja village in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. There are so many religions, customs, principles in different countries of the world. Stay with Dhaka Times to know more such strange customs.

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