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[Tutorial] Recover Deleted WhatsApp Messages

The Dhaka Times Desk When using WhatsApp, many people forget or delete their old messages for any reason. In this case, if you want to bring back all those messages, it is possible. For this you need to follow some procedure. Read details to know-


If for some reason a message gets deleted from your WhatsApp software, don't panic. You can easily retrieve that message, as soon as WhatsApp is installed on your device, its separate data base is created on your phone's memory card. WhatsApp creates a new file every day at 4 am where all your messages from the previous day are stored. If you want to get the old message back after it has been deleted, you need to follow the steps below.

1) Go to phone settings and uninstall WhatsApp.


2) Now install WhatsApp again.


3) After installation, when you launch WhatsApp, WhatsApp will ask you to backup old messages. In this case yes risto day.


4) Restoring will start, wait.


5) WhatsApp will greet you at the end of the restore. It's time to restore old deleted messages on your phone.


In many cases, if a message is deleted a day or two ago, many people want to get it back. In this case, you can bring back messages from a few weeks ago if you want. For this you need to go to the root folder of WhatsApp using any file explorer of your Android phone.


Click on the database section here and click on the file for which you want to restore the date messages.


Change the file name here. For example in case of changing name msgstore-YYYY-MM-DD.1.db.crypt7"on the ground"msgstore.db.crypt7"To be paid.


Now uninstall WhatsApp and install it again. Now follow the previous procedure and click restore message and now the message in your changed name date file will be restored.


Note: If you want to restore the message with a number other than the phone number with which WhatsApp was opened, it will not be possible.

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