The Dhaka Times
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Turn off WhatsApp Read receipts [Tutorial]

The Dhaka Times Desk Read receipts has recently been added to WhatsApp, so a user can know when his message was last read or viewed. It has benefited many. But some people are troubled by it. Today's tutorial is for those who want to turn off Read receipts of WhatsApp.


If you want, you can disable the new feature of WhatsApp Read receipts. Basically there are many people who read the message but do not want to let the sender know that he has read the message. So why delay and know the details, given below step by step.

1) First you launch the app

2) Now enter the settings section of the app

3) Now go to the privacy section from the settings of the set

4) Here you will see the following picture.


5) Untick Read receipts from here

As a result, if you send a message to someone, you will not be able to know when he has read it or not at all, and at the same time, others will not know when you have read their message.

Only those who have updated to version (2.11.44) of WhatsApp will get this facility now. But wait. If your app is updated then you can also enjoy this benefit.

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