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5 years with the mother's body!

The Dhaka Times Desk There can be no one else in the world above mother. And so the child never wants to lose his mother. But the eternal thing called death always separates be it mother or whoever. A German child has been with her mother's body for 5 years after her mother died!

Mother's death & 5 years

A girl from the southern German city of Munich has lived with her mother's mummified body for more than five years. Not only living, the woman even slept in the same bed with her mother's body.

According to a news report by the news agency AFP, the mummified body of the mother was recovered by the police from the southern German city of Munich last week. After this incident, the 55-year-old girl was admitted to a mental hospital by the police. He also confessed to a psychiatrist about living with his mother's body for 5 years.

The matter came to light last Thursday when a social worker wanted to meet the mother. When the social worker asked to enter the house to meet her mother, she refused.

On seeing the incident, the social worker informed the police and informed the firemen to open the door of the flat. Later, the police recovered the body and the investigating officers sent the body for autopsy. According to what they found on investigation, the mother died of natural causes in March 2009 at the age of 77.

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