The Dhaka Times
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Floating Courts to prevent overcrowding: try to avoid malpractices by making laws

The Dhaka Times Desk Crossing everywhere has become a bad habit of the public. Pedestrians risk their lives to cross the road to save time. This time floating courts are being set up to prevent crossing. Violators will have to pay a fine of 200 rupees.

Mobile Court & Crossroads

Once there were no footover bridges in many parts of the capital. That's why pedestrians used to cross the road every now and then. But in recent times capital's footover bridges and underpasses have been constructed. But still, without using them, the residents of the capital are crossing the road risking their lives. Penalties are coming for crossing these roads. A mobile court will be set up.

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Initially, several mobile courts will work on the road from Rupsi Bangla Hotel junction in Shahbagh to Farmgate Police Box on November 25, 26 and 27. At this time, those who cross the road without using the footover bridge and underpass in the mentioned area, will be fined 200 rupees or will be jailed for 6 months.

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Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) Commissioner Benazir Ahmed told reporters this information on Saturday. A press conference was held at DMP's information center on Minto Road in the capital.

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Benazir Ahmed also said regarding the installation of mobile court, the mobile court is being done symbolically so that citizens are more aware of road traffic. The police will campaign in various ways including banners and pamphlets for 3 days to make the citizens of the capital aware of the use of footover bridges and underpasses.

It should be noted that if the public was a little aware, the risk of life would have been reduced, on the other hand, it could have played a role in reducing traffic congestion. This initiative of jail and fine has been taken mainly to make everyone aware.

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