The Dhaka Times
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A large fine for matching clothes on the balcony!

The Dhaka Times Desk A hefty fine for hanging clothes on the balcony. No, there is nothing to fear in such news, because the incident is not in our country, but in Sharjah.

clothes, balcony & fine

Recently, the Sharjah administration published such a notification in strict terms. The notice read, 'Your balcony is not a laundry. Remember that the work of the balcony is not to dry clothes, but to enhance the beauty of the house. Henceforth heavy fines will be levied if the balcony is misused.'

In spite of the harshness of the desert, all the shiny modern buildings are standing up. These buildings are enhancing the beauty of the city. The glory of the Middle East is brought to this city by people from different countries of the world for work or otherwise. Many people also built a base in this city for several days. Sharjah is a very famous city for the people of the world, especially because of the game of cricket.

The administration of Amirshahi has been concerned about the beauty of this famous city. Various initiatives are being taken to restore the beauty of the city. And so the strict surveillance has started. As part of these activities, there is a ban on the use of balconies.

Municipal authorities say that in most of the residences, the residents have adopted the bad habit of drying washed clothes, household items or accumulating garbage on the balcony. For this reason, the fine may be increased to 500 dirhams if the balcony is left unclean. The concerned department of Sharjah Municipality is running a massive campaign. In the first phase, initiatives have been taken to make the citizens aware. After that, if anyone violates this law, he will have to pay a fine - this is what the Sharjah Municipality official said.

When will the city corporation authorities of our country make such a law again, the city dwellers are worried!

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