The Dhaka Times
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6 million taka 'loss' of having a child!

The Dhaka Times Desk A couple had to pay 6 crore rupees for the 'loss' of having a child. A pregnant Canadian couple was hospitalized while on vacation in Hawaii. Due to being forced to stay in the hospital for a long time, their bill was 6 crore rupees.

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A Canadian couple came to Hawaii for a vacation. There, Jennifer Huculak suddenly fell ill. This is because Jennifer was pregnant. After 6 weeks of hospitalization, she gave birth to a premature baby. The hospital authorities said that they have to keep that child Rick in intensive care for another two months. Guess how much the hospital could bill?

Maybe you're wondering how much more there can be. Two lakh or five lakh. But he said the amount was wrong. The hospital bill was $950,000. That is 5 crore 89 lakh 90 thousand in Indian currency. Now think how this couple will collect so much money by coming abroad.

They had taken out travel insurance with Blue Cross insurance company before coming on the tour. Even though Jennifer had a medical condition, the insurance company assured her that they would cover any medical expenses incurred during the trip. Darren also contacted the insurance company. But they refused to pay so much. The insurance company said they would not pay any medical expenses for Jennifer's child.

So what will happen to the couple? After this news spread in the press, the Blue Cross insurance company was shaken. The company finally told the media, 'We are looking at how we can help them. Because our terms and conditions do not provide for the medical expenses of the child'.

Later, seeing the miserable condition of the couple, the hospital authorities kept Tk 99 lakh 35 thousand as a loan. Apart from this, the hospital authority gives a discount of 24 lakh rupees from the bill. But the couple knows very well that this will not solve their problem. When the Saskatchewan government requested help, the government gave 12.5 million rupees. Even then, the public has to reach out. But that debt has not yet been extinguished. It happened a year ago. Their son Rick is now almost a year old. And the debt burden on the head is crores of rupees. The couple may have no choice but to finally surrender to the hospital authorities.

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