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Lion on the bridge! Stop the crowd [VIDEO]

The Dhaka Times Desk Suddenly there was a silence as if the movement of a bridge. what happened what happened Everyone is shocked. Lion on the bridge! The people stopped. The incident happened in South Africa.

Lion on the bridge

One such incident happened recently on a bridge in South Africa. Like any other day, the car was moving slowly over the bridge. But after a while, everyone's eyes went wide. As if everyone was tight and started off the car and closed the window and sat down. Everyone's heart rate started to increase. The reason for this is that none other than the king of the forest has suddenly started walking on that bridge.

The king of the forest, the lion, also showed some irritation at first seeing so many cars on this bridge in South Africa. Then he started to sunbathe on the bridge after seeing the car in detail. After a while he started walking again. However, some brave people took out their mobile phones and cameras from the car and recorded the scene of Singha Babaji's public royal walk.

This scene of the lion lasted for half an hour. Which is called as 'Evening Walk'. Near the bridge is South Africa's Coorg National Park. From there, the king of the forest suddenly came to visit the bridge. Who can stop him? He also looked at several car models. Maybe talk about family members cars!

Watch that video of the lion

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