The Dhaka Times
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Voluntarily went to the stomach of a snake!

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no way to understand how many different hobbies people have. How many other hobbies are there like traveling abroad, bird hunting. But one naturalist had a novel hobby - voluntarily going into the stomach of snakes.

voluntarily snake stomach

There are many nature lovers who do many things as a hobby. This is the news of one such incident. The Amazon rain forest is being destroyed from the chest of the world. Naturalist Paul Rossoli is eager to highlight the matter to everyone. But people never want to hear anything like that. If you can show something amazing, then it can be seen by everyone. This nature lover decided to go into the stomach of the snake willingly to show such a surprise. That he is not in the stomach of a snake, but in the stomach of a huge anaconda. The entire scene of Paul's throat slitting was captured on camera.


The anaconda swallowed Rasoli alive, news agency AFP reported. Naturalist Paul Rossoli was in the snake's stomach for half an hour. Every moment of this scene is captured on video camera.

He was in great danger of death. But in the end, Paul Rossoli, a dedicated environmentalist, was able to come out of the anaconda's stomach alive. A documentary on the thrilling incident is scheduled to air on Discovery Channel from Sunday.

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The media reported that naturalist Paul Rossoli has been working with the environment for almost a decade. He told the media that everyone in the world knows that tropical forests are disappearing. Many people can talk about the importance of forest, but still many people do not give importance to it. Many people are not even aware of this problem. Paul Rossoli is proud to be a part of this adventure.

According to the incident, experts made special clothing for the anaconda to prevent suffocation. The garment was also breathable. There were also cameras and communication systems.

Paul Rossoli stayed in the stomach of the anaconda for half an hour. All the while Rasoli maintained contact with other members of his team. But how he actually came out of the snake's belly - no details are given. However, naturalist Paul Rossoli claimed that he got out without harming the snake.

The money from the documentary will be spent on awareness and environmental conservation, Rasoli said. However, animal rights groups have strongly criticized Rasoli's actions. Animal rights groups say it can't be a job. This is absolutely nothing but a lunacy.

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