The Dhaka Times
With the commitment to keep the young generation ahead, Bangladesh's largest social magazine.

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Today is Victory Day, not Independence Day.

If you love too much, sometimes it is difficult to explain in words, how does it feel to say so much. Motherland is one. Many people have asked me many times why I have so much passion for the country, I don't know how to express it. I am Bangladeshi, I love Bangladesh, I love it with all my heart. And the good thing is that I am not alone, a few decades ago millions of people proved this love in a much more difficult way, they gave their lives to Bangladesh.

Flag of Bangladesh

Happy Victory Day to everyone from thousands of miles away! Yes, today is Victory Day, not Independence Day. Wondering what to say again, everyone knows. Is that true? Bro my one request, say “Happy Victory Day” to whoever you meet (especially age 25-) throughout the day. With a little emphasis on "Victory Day", you think it will be funny, why bro, why can't it be said "Happy Valentines Day"?

Many of us grumble all the time about the plight of the country, let's stop grumbling for a day. Let's do at least one good thing for the country today. How to do good work for the country? But the matter is not difficult, the country is with everyone, the good people of the country means the good of the country. The work can be any small or big good work. For example, you can help a pedestrian to cross the road properly (but you must cross the road yourself according to the rules, you can't run across the road every now and then!). A poor elderly person can feed a full stomach for one meal if financially compatible. You can try to do no wrongdoing for a day, see how great it feels. You can try to think of the working person of your house, not the working person, but a person like me and you. One day you can enjoy country music (but please don't steal and download music, yes it is stealing!). There can be many such tasks, scratch your head, you have a better idea than me. If you ask what will happen if you do good work one day, I hope that good work will stir your feelings, once you get the love of doing something good, you will take the country forward. We are all Bangladesh together!

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