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Know how to recover stolen mobile [Tutorial]

The Dhaka Times Desk The problem of losing mobile phones is a long-standing one. It is not at all safe to travel especially in capital city buses. In such a situation there is an app to recover the mobile if it is lost. Learn how to use this app.

stolen mobile

There is a long-standing problem of losing mobile phones. Such a problem can occur on the road. And what will you do if your favorite mobile is stolen like this? As we have seen earlier there are many types of apps. But this time the app is a little different. One such app is available online. But we don't know how effective it is.
Today I will teach you how to recover your stolen mobile phone. Now let's take a look at the matter.

First, click on the link below to download the app from Google Play Store:

Install now. Installing this app will look like below image.

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Now type your password and press Ok button. But the same password must be entered in both boxes.

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Now retype the password you provided and press the Ok button.

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Now notice the image below and click on Deactive.

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In the first box, type your phone number and in the second box, type what message will be sent to your number. Then press Save button.

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Now again click on Deactive and press Ok button. (Dual SIM mobiles may have some issues as you can see from the above image)

Then you will see that Active has been written instead of Deactive.

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Now if someone steals your phone and calls by inserting his sim into your phone set, then an SMS will be sent to your number immediately from his number. This is how you easily got the thief's number. Now if you want you can find out his movements and catch him through the police. Thieves can be caught in this way.

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